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If you like history, you’ll enjoy a trip to a Medieval Christmas Season.

Do you like Christmas traditions? Many medieval Christmas traditions are still carried on today. Food, gifts, and dressing in our best have continued through the ages. This interesting article describes what you would expect if you traveled in time to a medieval Christmas. Would you be at home there?
I found this article of the twelve days of celebrating fascinating. How Christmas was celebrated in Medieval Times (Excerpt)A SPECIAL CHRISTMAS DISH THE COOKS MIGHT PREPARE TO WOW THE GUESTS INCLUDED A BOAR’S HEAD ON A PLATTER OR A SWAN ROASTED IN ITS FEATHERS. For the poor, Christmas was a welcome change from facing a relatively brutal season. Despite the harshness of winter, everyone tried to make an effort to eat and dress well and enjoy the festivities. Did you know that celebrations lasted for twelve days following a month of fasting?

Many of the traditional foods we enjoy, such as gingerbread and candy canes had their beginning during this time. Think about the long ago past the next time you eat gingerbread or eat a candy cane. How long will these traditions continue? Who knows? However, it’s interesting how the past continues into the future.
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